Tiny Cobol Project

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What's new...

  • 11/26/1999 The Tiny Cobol Project is with new home. Please save tiny-cobol.sourceforge.net in your bookmarks. This site will stay like it is now. When I get some time to spare (not very often), I will change this into an information area with implementation details and notes on lex/yacc programming.
    I'm committed to teach what I already know, but please don't push me too much :)
  • 11/22/1999 These are good news: we are moving to a better server, with CVS, ftp and http, and soon a new mailing list. The new site, sponsored by VA, is SourceForge. At least, we will not see any advertisements at the top of our window :)
    Other news are we have another snapshot. Things are going really fast.
  • 11/19/1999 Andrew is making progress at the i/o routines. I have been working with arrays of several dimensions (occurs within occurs). Get the newest snapshot: rpcobol-991119.tar.gz
  • 11/15/1999 Now we have "perform .. var times" and "perform ... varying var from init by incr until condition". Get your snapshot at rpcobol-991115.tar.gz.
  • 11/11/1999 David and Rildo have been working lately and we have a new release. The main changes are "indexed by" and "var of parent of..." working: rpcobol-991111a.tar.gz.
  • 11/05/1999 Some redesign of the scanner/parser to avoid problems at the identification (yes, there were problems even there!). Snapshot is rpcobol-991105.tar.gz.
  • 10/30/1999 Now the compiler can use variables with filenames. I have to make many changes to do this. The newest snapshot is rpcobol-991030c.tar.gz.
  • 10/30/1999 Yet another snapshot. Now I have turned its stack cleaning-up more automatic, thus less error-prone. I was becoming tired of fixing stack miscalculation at those "addl $n,%%esp" instructions (it's not nice).
  • 10/30/1999 Merged with Andrew mods, with sort routines. Please see download section below. There is also libdb in rpm format for RedHat and derived distro users.
  • 10/29/1999 More file modes working. Try t06 directory for testing examples. Current release is rpcobol-991029.tar.gz. I have also made available libdb source and binaries for a libc5 system. The binaries are at PORT/linux in the distribution.

What is Tiny Cobol?

Linux need a free (under GPL license) Cobol compiler because of the incountable commercial applications written in this language. I found in my spare parts box an old cobol compiler, that could be the skeleton of such project. It was very tiny, done for another environment, and very limited¸ so it have to be rewritten for accomplish the job. Well, now we're doing this. It will be freely available, based only in free tools.

Which features will it have?

This is only a sketch (or braindump, if you prefer).

What is lacking?

We just started this project. Almost everything is lacking.
But there is some progress as yet. The compiler is generating x86 assembly code as the original (for MsDosTM) program. Now we have to make it generate C code and do the most of the runtime library.

What can I do to help?

If you is a Cobol programmer, you can send us the features (for now ANS-74) missing, so we can implement it. Cobol ANS-85 compatibility will be left for the near future.

If you are a compiler tools programmer, you can help as well, implementing what's missing. For the C programmers, there are plenty of things to be done. If you are a technical writer, will need one for writing the documentation. At last (but not at least), we need beta-testers.

You can subscribe to our (development) mailing list.

Downloads, please!

Our runtime depends on libdb. If you don't have it already installed on your system, please take this local copy (libdb) or look at Metalab. If you have a RedHat, TurboLinux, Caldera, SuSE or any other rpm-based system, you may want to take this libdb in rpm format (local copy).

Grab your snapshot here:

Here are the original sources. Don't compile in Linux, don't run, are messy. Some garbage inside!
This is the cobol to assembly compiler. It works with Linux, but the code generated is nonsense yet. If you want just to study the code, it's suitable. For nothing more.

Links to related work

If you're in a hurry, there is a couple of other projects in a more advanced state than this. Please check http://web.tiscalinet.it/albertosantini/cobcy/ for another cobol compiler.


Last updated: Mon Nov 15 13:54:48 EDT 1999