Viruses Biophysics, 2nd. half 1974, where I made 3 presentations, at Centro de Biociências da UFPe, Recife, Brazil.
XXVI Congresso da SBPC (Brazilian Society for Science Advancement), 1974.
Chairman of the 1st. Seminar of Biomathematics and Biometry, at Centro de Biociências da UFPe, Recife, Brazil, 1974.
Coauthored with prof. William Buell
works in electronic potential at the cellular membrane, 1974.
Introduction to Microprocessors, presented to the staff of Federal Technical School of Pernambuco, 1980.
IV EBMicro (Brazilian Microelectronics School) presented in Recife, Pernambuco, 1985.
Several other courses about microprocessors and microcontroller design for industrial applications, presented for customers like Chesf (Cia. Hidroelétrica do S. Francisco, power generation company), Siderúrgica Açonorte (steel manufacturer), Banorte S.A. (bank), Kodak do Brasil (chemicals), Alcoa (aluminium manufacturer), Cladi (Centro Latino Americano de Desenvolvimento da Informática), Celpe (Cia. de Eletricidade de Pernambuco), Telpe (Telecomunicações de Pernambuco, phone company), and others.