Here are the commands I use sometimes. They are here just to hint
you how to do when you're clueless. There's no promises, though.
You must consider reading the man files to have full control, sorry.
modprobe rd
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ram bs=1k count=2048
mke2fs -vm0 /dev/ram 2048
...cp to ramdisk...
dd if=/dev/ram bs=1k count=2048 | gzip -v9 > ram_image.gz
cdda2wav -O sun -D /dev/sga -e -t <track>
stty speed 4800 cstopb cread clocal -crtscts litout raw </dev/cua0
mkisofs -o cd_img -R -M /dev/scd0 -C `cdwrite -D /dev/sga -m`
cdwrite -e -v -P cd_img
echo "Autologin of user <username>"
cd /home/<username>
su - <username>
if ["`tty`" = "/dev/console" -o "`tty`" = "/dev/tty0"]
csound -odevaudio -W -M/dev/midi -dm6 midiin.orc midiin.sco